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Architecture and Environment

Tutor : Mr Edwin Chan

This module is organised as a series of lecture-based classes designed to help students understand human intervention affecting the environment both possitively and negatively and the relationship of the building to the environment. Basic awareness regarding environment matter introduced to student. 

Project 1

Creative Essay

This assignment is a group assignment that works with 4 members to create an essay about "What is Sustainable Architecture?". This assignment is to encourage student's creativity, ability to research on idea and concepts related to sustainability and able to convey systematic thought processes in the creative esaay

Project 2

Case study

This assignment is a group assignment about daylighting. Students are required to identify passive design strategies for Daylighting. In the same time, students are to analyze the effect of comfort factors in a person and in a space relating to the lighting. Lastly, students are to identify architectural idea or concept and how the ambience is created as well as sustainability features of the lighting system in the selected building. 

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