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Project 2

Students should draw a series of architectural orthographic drawings for this assignment. This project is divided into three parts: Project 2A, 2B, and 2C. Each section teaches students how to make architectural drawings such as plans, elevations, sections, axonometric, and perspective drawings.

The project goal is to create orthographic drawings, axonometric drawings, and perspective drawings of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe's Farnsworth House.

Orthograhpic Drawing, Axonometric Drawing and Perspective Drawing

What is Farnsworth House?


The Farnsworth House was designed and constructed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe between 1945 and 1951. He created buildings with free and open space within a minimal framework, using expressed structural columns. He did not believe in the use of architecture for social engineering of human behavior, as many other modernists did, but his architecture does represent ideals and aspirations. His mature design work is a physical expression of his understanding of the modern epoch.

Project 2A

Plans, Sections and Elevations are introduced in this part of the project. Students are to produce 1 Plan, 1 Section and 2 Elevations

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Project 2A Final

Project 2B

This section of the project introduces students to Axonometric Drawings. The axonometric is guided by the plans created in Project 2A.

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Project 2B Final

Project 2C

This section of the project introduces students to Perspective Drawing including one point and two point perspective. 

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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-05 at 18.29.02.jpeg

Project 2C Final


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Dicipline Specific Knowledge

In this project, I learned and understand the basic knowledge and skills to produce architectural orthographic drawings including the axonometric drawing and perspective drawings appropriately and use them in architectural design modules in the future projects.

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Lifelong Learning

I discovered that making perspective drawings, such as one-point and two-point perspective, was difficult. I watched the lesson taped video several times and looked for a perspective sketching video on YouTube. At the same time, because my pals had started their drawing days earlier, I asked them how to draw. I overcame every obstacle and completed my sketches on time.

©2021 by Adric BSc Archi Eportfolio

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