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Project 2

Sketch Analysis

This assignment is to enable students to conduct a research comparative analysis process on Modern Malaysian architecture practises throughout history via literature review and document analysis, and to present an appropriate chronological account of Malaysian architecture based on the knowledge gained through the analysis procedure. Besides that, to acquaint students with the activities of research analysis culmination and production via assemblage, chronological indices, and information assessment; composition and organisation of study; assembly of illustration and text; design layout composition. Lastly, to Introduce visual and critical thinking through diagramming and learning from antecedents, as well as the fundamental concepts of form, space, and order in the architectural design of Modern Malaysian architecture.


Final Outcome

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Dicipline Specific Knowledge

In this project, I learned and able to present an appropriate chronological account of Malaysian architecture based on the knowledge gained through the analysis procedure

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Digital Literacy

Due to the pandemic, i was not be able to travel to the site and have a site visit. Thus, I did the research from Google and other website as well as watch the video from YouTube.


Communication Skill

We were only able to meet virtually due to the pendemic. Despite this, we were able to interact without difficulty and successfully explore ideas through Discord and Zoom Meeting.

©2021 by Adric BSc Archi Eportfolio

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