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WhatsApp Image 2021-10-07 at 12.46.08 AM (1).jpeg

Project 2

Structure and Body: Materials, Anthropometric and Ergonomic Exploration

In Project 2, we will work with a variety of materials to better understand their nature and features, as well as how they will be employed in our design. We were supposed to create a self-isolation structure and demonstrate our personal conduct throughout the pandemic. We were supposed to look at building details, joinery, and structural quality, as well as how the chosen materials interact. We were to investigate the design purpose that had been picked from Project 1.


I chose recycle timber and recycle plywood as my materials in creating the isolation pod. Here are some images on how i assembled my isolation structure.

Final Outcome

i did came out with an isolation pod that shows and protrays my personal behavior and emotions during the pandemic and to relate myself and the body to the space and its experiential quality. I did design and build an open plan structure that encourages the interaction among myself in the structure and the environment and to have sufficient sunight and air ventilation. 

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WhatsApp Image 2021-10-07 at 12.31.48 AM.jpeg

Presentation Slide

A 360 degree view of my final isolation structure


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Dicipline Specific Knowledge

In this project, we were to use the actual building materials to build our isolation structure. I chose recycled timber and plywood as my materials. At the same time, I have learned how to join the wood together and am able to know more about how to assemble the structure and make sure it won't collapse.

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Thinking and solving problem

I was able to design a 1:1 scale structure that suited me and could hold my weight and force, which was the project's goal. All of the needed components, such as tectonics, ergonomics, and materiality, were easily interpreted by me.

©2021 by Adric BSc Archi Eportfolio

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