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Project 3

Geometry and Form: Architectural Design Elements & Principles

Project 3 incorporates all that we have learned from the previous projects and will challenge our to execute your methods rigorously. We'll revisit our isolation framework and refine it into a Sensory Space that anticipates and accommodates the needs and emotions of users.  We were to investigate how users reacted to the design and what it meant when viewed from a different perspective. We were to investigate the elements and principles, as well as if the structure's anthropometry and ergonomics had been successfully implemented, and to research and investigate actual construction materials such as concrete, timber, steel, and glass and apply them to our design.


The compilation of design proposal, test model and ect.

Final Outcome

During pandemic time, i am sure everyone of us faced different challenges and felt differently, also, has different kind of emotions. Here i am to express my own emotions and experiences as well as feeling during the pandemic period through sensorial space as i believe that sensorial space can affect one's emotions, spatial experiences and also the sensorial experiences.

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Tattoo Stamp

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Final Model


Presentation Board

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Adric Teo Yi Zheng 0345019 - Presentation Board (6).jpg

Presentation Slide

Presentation Board


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Dicipline Specific Knowledge

In this project, I learned and comprehended the notion of Spatial and Sensory Experiences of a user walking through a structure, as well as how light intensity and materiality affect the experience.

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Thinking and solving problem

I was able to come out with many design idea and asked for some comments and recommendation from my tutor. At the beginning of the project started, i was quite lost and no ideas on how to begin. Thus, i start with the deconstruction from project 2 before start with my general ideas. 

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Lifelong Learning

I was able to apply the knowledge that i learned from this project in my future project. I did refer to some senior works as well that showed by my tutor to me to give some ideas on how their narrative.

©2021 by Adric BSc Archi Eportfolio

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